All of us were put on this earth to learn from others and share our special gifts. Life is about creating a balanced harmony through these relationships. If this is the case, why is it that we always are looking at the female next to us with mistrust, envy, and jealousy? I’ve had my fair share of these experiences and I’m sure you have too. From women hating me and keying my car because they want my man, women saying “look at this b*tch” because I happen look very attractive that day, to me assuming that other girls are promiscuous because of what they are wearing. My earliest memories of this sort of behavior started as a little girl, when my classmates didn’t want me to meet their boyfriends afraid that he might like me! All these years I though it was me with the problem! Never realizing what I possessed was my gift. After years of self hatred and not trusting other females, glimpses of my true self before all the hatred and I realized how lucky I was to be a woman. Everyday I embrace this idea more and more into my life I realize how powerful unleashing my incredibly irresistible sensuality really is. Its almost scary! The things I get by with just with my charm alone are ridiculous. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE BEING AN IRRESISTIBLE WOMAN! Oh my god, I’ve learned to flirt while talking shit, be bashful and expressing my opinion, being open and sticking to my guns, be adventurous, be spontaneous, be silly, be strong, to respect and be respected, to take charge and appear submissive, to be intelligent and be an ultimate babe and most of all how to make any man fall in love with me. There are plenty girls who look better than me but I’m comfortable with my beauty, I’m crazy about being the girl I am with all her faults. The most important thing I realized was my so called faults make me special, relatable and just plain adorable. My quirks were cool! My passion is spreading this unconditional love and respect of being the ultimate babe. Tapping into this magical sensuality will unearth and unveil the amazing woman that every one of us has waiting unleash. Just imagine a world where women look at you with love in their eyes rather than jealousy. A place where you are admired, your beauty is appreciated and most of all you look in the mirror and absolutely adore what you see.
Mooniez was created as an avenue to tap into our fountain of desire. Every woman is born irresistible; we just have a hard time accessing true powerfully feminine nature. Our sensuality is often covered with shame, embarrassment, anger, and hurt. That expressing it can be a challenge. Its easier for us to slip into the female hating norm rather than face this pain.
Mooniez was created as an avenue to tap into our fountain of desire. Every woman is born irresistible; we just have a hard time accessing true powerfully feminine nature. Our sensuality is often covered with shame, embarrassment, anger, and hurt. That expressing it can be a challenge. Its easier for us to slip into the female hating norm rather than face this pain.
MOONIEZSecrets is sponsored by MOONIEZ, Inc. At MOONIEZ, Inc. we provide the avenue for women to awaken her sensuality and feminine power through our exclusive, limited edition, custom fit, fabulous clothes and accessories. MOONIEZ, Inc. is the collective vision of four dynamic and exceptionally talented sisters whose mission is “Unleashing Irresistible Sensuality”. We at MOONIEZ excitedly anticipate sharing our vision with the world. Look for MOONIEZ coming soon to your favorite fine boutiques and department stores everywhere Spring 2007.
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