Wednesday, March 22, 2006


"DREAMIN..." ...

I am absolutely thrilled to have rediscovered that my long lost, forgotten and forsaken childhood dreams and fantasies are the keys to my living a truly fulfilled and passionate life. Remember back in the day as kids when the whole world was nothing but possibility and anything, no matter how big or grand, was achievable. And our favorite pastime was daydreaming about what we were going to be and have and do when we grow up.

Well I am encouraging everyone to reconnect with that fearless little girl with the unlimited and infinite dreams and possibilities and have direct access to our personal keys to our true greatness and satisfaction. The amazing world that we envisioned as a kids does exist and is very real it is just that our perceptions of reality that have changed

So I am encouraging you to reconnect with that little girl, who in her innocence and naiveté was far more an authentic reflection of our true potential and worth than the diminished person we find ourselves as adults with all our self-imposed limitations and beliefs. Select a dream, fantasy or desire, no matter how big or small, that you always dreamed of doing and start taking steps towards manifesting it in your reality today.

Think back to when you ‘life and other peoples fears and limitations’ first started getting in the way and you began believing that your dream wasn’t possible. Take note of those thoughts and beliefs and step back and observe much how they have shaped your present reality. The idea is to identify and transform these beliefs and once you have done so then you can manifest however many of your childhood dreams you want because anything truly is possible.

In future articles we will introduce this amazing, easy, painless, immediate and permanent tool of transforming beliefs and ideas called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and incorporate this practice into future articles. The goal is for you to easily and effortlessly blast through your resistance and start creating miracles like you have always dreamed possible. Like the ones we have been manifesting in our lives using EFT.

So decide today what childhood dream you left behind and deemed no longer possible a long time ago that will bring the most joy, aliveness and satisfaction today and commit to making it into a reality. Because if your perception supports it dreams really do come true.

MOONIEZSecrets is sponsored by MOONIEZ Inc. At MOONIEZ, Inc. we provide the avenue for women to awaken her sensuality and feminine power through our exclusive, limited edition, custom fit, fabulous clothes and accessories. MOONIEZ, Inc. is the collective vision of four dynamic and exceptionally talented sisters whose mission is “Unleashing Irresistible Sensuality”. We at MOONIEZ excitedly anticipate sharing our vision with the world. Look for MOONIEZ coming soon to your favorite fine boutiques and department stores everywhere Spring 2007.

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